Friday, April 7, 2017

To my wife

Monday as I was driving to the gym listening to my Spotify playlist a song came on and the words hit home how important this letter is for me. The song Lose Yourself by Eminem starts off with him talking and calling his listeners out. Do you take your shot or do let it go?

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?

 What do you say to the person that gave you everything they had and more? That’s the dilemma I’ve found myself in over the last few days as I’ve sat back and contemplated what I could/would say to my wife for all her support and putting up with me. I owe everything I am, was and will be to her, so I hope I can put my thoughts and feelings into this letter.

Mackenzie in trying to help me find myself, you lost yourself as well. I can’t fathom how many times you must have wanted to pull the plug on our marriage, how much time you spent worrying about me and our future, and doing this all while juggling the rest of our life. I owe you so much more than I can ever attempt to understand, it would be like trying to count the stars in the sky.

Missed connection: I believe the date was Feb. 10th 2005. We saw each other at the dance but we both weren’t ready for something magical to happen. You had just turned 22 the week before. We had seen each other before but never really paid attention to each other, what a mistake.

That was the first of many times where I failed to see how beautiful you are inside and out. You give everything you have and then some for your family. There is nothing you aren’t willing to do for us, I worry that sometimes I take advantage of that trait. I know that if I push you hard enough on something you will cave to make me happy. No matter what the cost is for you. It’s wrong of me to do so.

Thank you! I can’t say that big enough or loud enough. You have always been by my side through thick and thin. When we married I never understood what it meant by us being partners, helpmates and soulmates. I think I’m starting to understand that more because of what the past few years has done to for/to us.

I know in being there for me you lost part of yourself. I now carry the charge to help you find that piece of yourself and put it into place. I won’t quit until you can be your best self again. I’ll be that rock that you deserve so much, the one that you can lean on when things get hard.
You saw something was broken in me long before I could see it. I wasn’t ready to face up to the fact that I was harboring so much negative energy that I had allowed to build and fester. The fact that you forced me to go see doctors to get medicine to get my emotions back under control, went to the bishop to get me help with some counseling, reached out to Bruce to get me losing weight; all of that happened because you were the force pushing from behind. The wind in my sail.  You didn’t just push me there but when I was going through all this you offered to hold my hand through all of it. You really were/are my best friend.

I know the last few years haven’t been easy, heck they’ve been hell at times. I know that at some point we will look back and see what these 2 years have done for our lives and be happy that we went through them and came out the other side. Thank you for all that you do and did for me. I love you with every fiber of my being. I will be there for you as you continue your journey to finding who you are and becoming the woman you want to be, whatever it takes.

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